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Service Training

On the construction site and in industrial applications, down times and interruptions of work of machines and tools have to be very short in all cases. It is especially for ensuring that these periods are very limited that HÜRNER sets great store by being able to offer qualified and well trained service teams around the globe. It is our staff's pleasure to hand down their experience to you in training classes.

Along with training on service jobs, participants are provided practical tips for using the systems and information on standards and processes related to thermoplastic welding in the course of the classes.


Feel free to get in touch for our next training classes:

Service training

in the English language:
18 - 22 November 2024
10 - 14 March 2025

in the German language:
20 - 24 January 2025


Please address any questions on our service training to:


Christian Walther
Ph +49 6401 9127 44
Fx +49 6401 9127 39